Security Covering
Custom Security Covering
Timko Developments Ltd. was started in 1999 as a Section 85 rollover from D.W.Davidson & Sons Developments Ltd., a family corporation started in 1976.
In August of 2000, Timko signed a contract with the Stoney Tribal Administration to build 12 homes on the Morley and Eden Valley reserves (Eden Valley is at the base of the mountains west of Longview). These homes were spread from one end of each reserve to the other, some in remote areas, others in clusters of family spreads.
As we started framing the second home in Eden Valley, we sensed we were facing some obstacles with this home, as a number of windows were broken shortly after they were installed. When I phoned the insurance company about recouping some of the damages we were told that as soon as we made one claim they would cancel our insurance for the duration of the contract.

So we went ahead and ordered the windows replaced. Shortly after this our framer was in the basement framing out the basement development, late in the evening with lights on, when he sensed a presence in the basement with him. The hair on his neck stood up and he admitted after, was scared nearly senseless. Before we were able to replace the broken windows, more windows were broken. We had thought previously that perhaps kids were responsible for the first incident but found out later that there was a family feud over the allocation of the house and that probably adults were involved. When we got the third call that more windows were broken, we realized we had to do something as we had another 10 homes to finish and could not continue unless we could rectify the situation. Together with my son, Dallas, we got in the truck and headed on our way down to Eden Valley, about 60 miles South West of Cochrane. When we arrived at the reserve we stopped at the local administration office and immediately noticed the RCMP were there dealing with another problem. I realized that they could probably do nothing to stop the vandalism as the reserve is miles from any police station and short of stationing someone on site 24/7 which was not economically feasible, there wasn’t much hope of help from them.
We then decided to go over to the house construction site and look things over. We then decided to walk around the house and prayed over the home. As we know from the Bible it is the power of the Blood of Jesus that covers us who believe in Him, so we prayed the Blood over the house and took a spray can of paint and wrote on the cement foundation “This house is covered by Jesus’ Blood”, then left. When you realize that all else fails, you are willing to try anything. You may ask, did it work? To answer that question, the house was totally finished and then sat empty while Health Canada tried to make up their mind what kind of septic system the home required, all the while we were responsible for the protection of the home. Never again did we have any vandalism problems with that home.
We continued to build more homes until we hit the 5th home. The homeowners couldn’t be satisfied. We could not do anything right. Again our framer was framing in the home, this time his dog was with him and the same experience with a mysterious presence. The dog even started barking. Shortly after this I had made the trip to this home one snowy afternoon and parked my truck on a slight incline just off the driveway. After I had been in the house for at least 10 minutes, the owner came in to ask whose white truck was that on the driveway. I mentioned it was mine and he told me it had just slid back into his truck and had caused $2500.00 damage to his truck only. A good story for a Chev vs Ford commercial but how does a truck let go after that long and especially just happening after he parks behind it. So again my son and I took the trip to that home and prayed over the home and painted our sign on the cement foundation. The owners of the home instantly had a noticeable change in their attitude towards us and again we faced no problems with that house after that point.
We were finished the last home of the contract, I was in Central America and we were awaiting Health Canada’s decision on a number of homes septic systems. I got an urgent call from my wife that someone had broken into one of the last homes, broken several windows, turned the stove on, then overturned it trying to start the house on fire. Several doors were kicked in and footprints were all over the walls. It must have been painful as we had put 3/8 plywood behind all drywalled walls. I came home shortly after that to hear that the police had done up their report, but found no one guilty. The Wesley band of the Stoney Tribal Administration generously paid us for the damages and I learned a big lesson. Why I didn’t paint the words on every house in that contract is still a mystery to me. I then decided that if we were to build any more homes on those reserves the first thing we would do after the basement was in was to pray over the home and paint the words “This house is covered by Jesus’ blood” on the concrete.
So it was in the fall of 2002 that we again were awarded 31 homes on the two reserves. Some of the homes were even more remote and to top it off, we were even told that at least 2 of these homes were allocated under very angry terms. In telling you that we only had less than $250 loss to vandalism or theft on 31 home sites in any location is almost unimaginable, but never the less is the absolute truth.
I don’t profess to know all the answers but I do know and have experienced, as the Word of God, the Bible teaches, that there is super natural power in the Blood of Jesus. If anyone has any questions regarding these signs please contact me. You can reach me by email at
Tim Davidson
Timko Developments Ltd.